Target: to visualize a partial moon eclipse.
Date: 16.08.2008
Time: 21:31-0:15 (MEST)
Location: Roof observatory, Backnang, Germany
Telescope: 6 cm Fluorite Apochromat (f/4.4)
Mount: EQ-2 without motors, manual guiding.
Webcam: Philips ToUCam Pro II in optimized color mode (modified with WrCmac).
Data: 11000 MB, approx. 31x384 photos
Software: GIFfun(Mac), Photoshop(Mac), GraphicsConverter(Mac), Giotto(Windows)
Seeing: sometimes partial cloudy during the session

Target: to show the rotation of Jupiter, its Great Red Spot and a sun eclipse caused by its ice moon Europa.
Date: 26.09.2011
Time: 20:54 MET
Location: Roof observatory, Backnang, Germany
Telescope: 21cm Dall Kirkham Cassegrain (f/18.4)
Mount: JPZ
Webcam: TIS DBK21
Data: 20000 MB, approx. 27000 photos
Software: GIFfun(Mac), MaximDL(Windows), Giotto(Windows)
Seeing: Best seeing in 2011
Planet data: diameter=48 arcsec, apparent magnitude=-2,81 mag, phase=1, distance=5,2 AU.

Target: to show the rotation of Jupiter, its Great Red Spot and its volcano moon Io.
Date: 25.07.2008
Time: 23:06-23:19 (MEST)
Location: Roof observatory, Backnang, Germany
Telescope: 6cm Fluorite Apochromat (f/60)
Mount: EQ-2 without motors, manual guiding
Webcam: Philips ToUCam Pro II in optimized color mode (modified with WrCmac).
Data: 2100 MB, approx. 2415 photos
Software: GIFfun(Mac), Photoshop(Mac), GraphicsConverter(Mac), Giotto(Windows)
Seeing: Not ideal due to the low altitude of Jupiter (17° over the horizon)
Planet data: diameter=47 arcsec, apparent magnitude=-2,69 mag, phase=1, distance=4,19 AU.
Visual observation: In the moments of good seeing the GRS was clearly visible. A 20mm eyepiece, a 2.5x Powermate and a 4x TAL-Barlow on a Tak-FS-60C has been used.

Target: to show the rotation of Jupiter in a higher resolution than two years ago.
Date: 01.08.2010
Time: 0:30-00:41 (MEST)
Location: Roof observatory, Backnang, Germany
Telescope: 21cm Dall Kirkham (f/29 with a Powermate 2,5x)
Mount: JPZ
Webcam: TIS DBK21.
Data: 10000 MB, approx. 10000 photos
Software: GIFfun(Mac), Photoshop(Mac), Giotto(Windows)
Seeing: Very stable
Planet data: diameter=45,8 arcsec, apparent magnitude=-2,29 mag, distance=4,3 AU.
Visual observation: In the moments of good seeing band details were visible. A 7,5mm eyepiece on a m210 telescope has been used.

Target: to show the rotation of the red planet
Date: 17.12.2007
Time: 20:57-21:59 (MET)
Location: Roof observatory, Backnang, Germany
Telescope: 21 cm Dall Kirkham Cassegrain (f/11.5)
Mount: G11
Webcam: Philips ToUCam Pro II (unmodified)
Data: 15500 MB, approx. 15000 photos
Software: GIFfun(Mac), Photoshop(Mac), GraphicsConverter(Mac), Giotto(Windows)
Local seeing: bad
Planet data: diameter=15.88 arcsec, apparent magnitude=-1.6 mag, phase=0,997, distance=88'185'709 Km. Please note the round structure around the volcano "Elysium Mons" on the top.
Note: This photo matches the visual impressions looking through the eyepiece
C/2007 N3 (Comet "Lulin")

Target: to show the movement of a very fast comet
Date: 28.2.2009
Time: 19:39 (GMT)
Location: Roof observatory, Backnang, Germany
Telescope: 102 mm apochromatic refractor (f/5.6)
CCD: ST-7XME (60s, Binning 2x2)
Data: 7 photos
Software: GifBuilder(Mac), Photoshop(Mac), CCDSoft (Windows)
Titan: Saturn’s greatest moon

Target: to show Titan’s movement
Date: 6.5.2009
Time: 21:30 (GMT)
Location: Backyard observatory, Backnang, Germany
Telescope: 20 cm newton with 2 barlows (f/50)
Mount: Losmandy G-11 with Gemini-Goto
CCD: Watec monochrome camera
Data: Thousands photos; approx. 4200 MB of raw data
Software: GifFun(Mac), Photoshop(Mac), GIOTTO (Windows)