1-The program has been invoked
2-Select the directory containing the delivered equ files
3-Load your equipment
4-Select the files containing your telescopes, eyepieces and cameras
5-Choose your telescope
6-Choose an eyepiece
7-Disable this checkbox if you dont use a barlow
8-Enable this checkbox and choose a barlow if you want to use one
9-All relevant properties of your telescope system have been calculated
10-After selecting your camera the CCD results are also available
11-Calculate the time window for your planet photos
12-The loaded equipment, the change history and licencing data are displayed
13-Press the right mouse key to select the directory containing the delivered equ files
14-Copy all calculated properties to clipboard to edit the in a texteditor afterwards
15-Use transparency to compare two systems in two program instances
16-The night vision mode keeps you eyes adapted at night
17-Visit our internet site using the integrated browser
18-About AstroDigital.Net
19-The copyright and impressum window
20-Press the right mouse key to visit the manufacturer's internet site
21-Press the right mouse key to show the photo dimensions for the given binning
22-The photo dimensions for the given binning
23-The properties of your camera have been calculated