Albireo Cygni
Io transit on Jupiter
Jupiter's Red Spot
M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula
The south west arm of M31
M35 in Gemini
The Whirlpool galaxy
M57 in Lyra - zoomed
M74 in Pisces
M78 nebula in Orion
Mars_28.12.09 Syrtis Major
Mare Imbrium
Posidonius crater
Schroter Valley in 3D
Moon Schroter Valley 2011
NGC1893 Open cluser in Auriga
NGC281 in Cassiopeia
NGC663 in Cassiopeia
NGC7331 in Pegasus
The Sun - a neighbor star
Saturn - 14.4.2009
SunSpots - 19.09.2010
Sunset throught the volcano ash