
Welcome to AstroDigital.NET. Please, relax and feel free to be guided in a dark and beautiful universe. I am the author of this site and I would like to show you the space from a modern perspective; through the "eyes" of my digital astro cameras. Those can collect the starlight over many hours and unlikely to our human eyes they can truly "see" deep in the space. All photos in this site have been taken from my suburban area in Germany by using amateur equipment. Dedicated software packages have been used to plan the photo sessions, to control the telescope and to capture the light of the stars resulting to tons of data need further processing. The light pollution has been filtered out, all photos have been intensively processed to offer you the best night sky experience.

Astronomy was a fascinating science since ever. Three thousand years ago, my greek ancestors were practicing astronomy without any technological aid. They were driven by handwritten equations, and their common sense. Nowadays, the astronomy community faces a very comfortable situation. The Digital Age allows the development of high precision optics, and fine mechanics. Powerful hardware and software systems set astronomy within range of every enthusiast.

Asides from images which I’ve published in this site, some self-made software applications are also available here for free. Numerous tips for astrophotographers and stargazers round off the range of content in my site. I wish you clear skies and thanks for reading.
